Our Student-led Board
The Board of Directors is composed of 14 Directors, including 11 student Directors elected at the annual USU Elections, two Senate-appointed Directors and the Immediate Past President.

Portfolio Holders
Georgia Zhang
Wom*n's Portfolio Holder
[email protected]
Ethan Floyd
Disability Portfolio Holder
[email protected]
Ethnocultural Portfolio Holder
[email protected]
Queer Portfolio Holder
[email protected]
Sargun Saluja
Environmental Portfolio Holder
[email protected]
Shirley Zhang
International Students Portfolio Holder
[email protected]
Meetings of the Board of Directors are where the operational and strategic business of the USU is discussed. At each meeting, there is an agenda item called ‘Open Question Time’, which is an opportunity for USU Members to bring issues to the attention of the President and Board of Directors. All USU Members are welcome to attend and observe these meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Directors are conducted in accordance with the Constitution and Regulations. All meetings are hosted from in-person locations at the Camperdown campus or online.
Register of Directors' Interest
All actual, perceived, or potential conflicts of interest must be declared. A register is kept and updated by the Board Secretary at all times. View register ↗
The Board of Directors is transparent to our staff and members in the following ways:
The recommendations in reports are publicly published in minutes
Meetings are conducted online via Zoom, making them more accessible to all members of the USU
Student media are automatically invited to all ordinary and special Board meetings
The text of all in camera motions is published publicly
The agenda dictates that Confidential Business goes last
The reasons for going ‘In Camera’ are announced publicly at each meeting
Executive reports and motions on notice are published online