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Student Board Elections

The USU Student Board of Directors is composed of 14 Directors, including 11 Directors elected at the Annual Elections each year, two Senate-appointed Directors and the Immediate Past President.

Our Student Board is responsible for the operational and strategic business of the USU. In May each year, the USU holds its Annual Elections to elect new Directors.

2024 Student Board Election Results

The results are in! Meet your new Student Board Directors.

See Results

Student Board Elections FAQ

What is the Board?
  • The Board is responsible for governing USU on behalf of the entire almost 40,000-person membership.

  • There are 12 student directors elected by and from members and, two directors appointed by the University Senate.

  • The Board is assisted by committees which feature student, staff, and external members.

What does the Board do?
  • The Board decides USU strategies and priorities.

  • The Board has input into, and ultimately approves the USU Budget.

  • The Board monitors strategic direction, outcomes, and financial position.

  • The Board oversees the CEO and reviews reports to ensure USU is on track.

  • Directors serve on committees, working groups, and portfolios.

What is the election process?
  • Come along and find out more! An information session for candidates will be held at 1pm Monday 18 March immediately followed by a Women’s Mentoring Session

  • Board nominations are open from Monday 11 March to Monday 8 April.

  • You can find out more at the candidates briefing at 5pm Thursday 11 April.

What support is available if I decided to run?
  • Grants are provided to finance election costs.

  • Directors and our President can answer questions and provide feedback.

How do I vote?
  • You need to be a USU member in order to vote in the Student Board Elections. Registration is free! Join now here.

  • Online voting opens on Monday 6 May 2024 at 9am, and closes Friday 10 May 2024 at 5pm