Fashion Revolution GM
USYD Fashion Revolution Society General Meeting
Date & Time: Monday March 17th 2025 via Zoom at 10 am
Link: Fashion Rev GM
Join the USYD Fashion Revolution Society as we handover new executive members and discuss exciting new events and opportunities within the society on 17th of March via Zoom.
- Opening and welcome
- Apologies and leaves of absence
- Minutes of the previous meeting and business arising from the minutes
- Constitutional amendments
The following amendments to the constitution are proposed:
3.1 ii) All holders of a current Access Card of the University of Sydney Union other than those who qualify for Ordinary Membership shall be eligible for Associate Membership of the Society. Associate Members are not eligible to hold Executive positions, vote in elections, or vote at meetings of the Society.
7.3 Except as provided in Clause 9 and 10, the Secretary shall give at least fourteen (14) days notice of the time and place of a General Meeting through one of the recognised publications of The University of Sydney Union and, if possible, the Society notice board and, if possible, by a mail-out to all members. (A mail-out is understood to include communication by e-mail.)
7.7 A General Meeting of the Society has the same powers as an Ordinary Meeting, and may also carry the following motions on notice relating to the affairs of the Society by a two-thirds majority vote of those members present and voting:
i) Granting Honorary Membership – No
iii) Repealing motions and the effect of motions carried at an Ordinary Meeting
iv) Amending the Constitution
v) Dismissing Executive Members for reasons other than that in 4.3 of the Constitution, provided that the Executive Member is given reasonable right of reply
vi) Dissolving the Society.
8.4 The Annual General Meeting shall be held between 9am and 9pm at a place on a campus of The University of Sydney during semester (teaching period, Weeks 1-13). The Annual General Meeting shall be chaired by the President or an Executive Member not standing for election to any position.
Amend to:
3.1 ii) Members of The University of Sydney Union other than those who qualify for Ordinary Membership shall be eligible for Associate Membership of the Society. Associate Members are not eligible to hold Executive positions, vote in elections or vote at meetings of the Society.
7.3 Except as provided in Clause 9 and 10, the Secretary shall give at least seven (7) days notice of the time and place of a General Meeting through one of the recognised publications of The University of Sydney Union and, if possible, the Society notice board and, if possible, by a mail-out to all members. (A mail-out is understood to include communication by e-mail.)
7.7 A General Meeting of the Society has the same powers as an Ordinary Meeting, and may also carry the following motions on notice relating to the affairs of the Society by a two-thirds majority vote of those members present and voting:
i) Granting Honorary Membership – No
iii) Repealing motions and the effect of motions carried at an Ordinary Meeting
iv) Amending the Constitution
v) Dismissing Executive Members for reasons other than that in 4.3 of the Constitution, provided that the Executive Member is given reasonable right of reply
8.4 The Annual General Meeting shall be held between 9am and 9pm at a place on a campus of The University of Sydney and/or via video conference. The Annual General Meeting shall be chaired by the President or an Executive Member not standing for election to any position.
5. Election of Executives Nominations will be considered and voted on for the following positions:
Appointment of Returning Officer: Joyce Linh
- President
- Secretary
- General Executive
- Social Media Manager
6. General business
- Nomination of Bank Signatories
Nomination instructions
- A returning officer is elected to lead the nominations process (this returning officer cannot be up for election for any roles)
- Nominations for each role are collected from the form and those in the meeting.
- Nominations must be seconded by another attendee
- Majority votes taken
7. Date of the Next Meeting
8. Close of Meeting