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AGM 2024

The Incommensurables Annual General Meeting.

If you are interested in being involved with organising all of the exciting events, or just want to know more about what we have in store, come along and get involved!

It will be held in person at the HPS common room which is located in Carslaw Level 3, room 387 and also virtually over zoom:

FREE FOOD will be provided.


  1. Opening and welcome
  2. Apologies and leaves of absentees
  3. Minutes of the previous meeting and business arising from the minutes
  4. Annual reports
  5. Election of Executives: Appointment of Returning Officer. Nominations will be considered and voted on for the following positions:
    1. President
    2. Vice-President
    3. Secretary
    4. Treasurer
    5. Event Coordinator
    6. Journal Editors (must be postgraduate)
  6. General business
  7. Date of next meeting
  8. Close of Meeting
6 May 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm