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Discretionary Grants and Camp Grants

In addition to Semester Grants, eligible clubs are also eligible to apply for Discretionary Grants and Camp Grants. Each club is only eligible for one discretionary and one camp grant per annum, including participating in group applications. 

To apply for grants, Club executives must use the Club Finances page of the executive dashboard. Further information on how to apply can be found here. Like Semester Grants, there are further criteria for eligibility, and all Discretionary and Camp Grants must also be acquitted.

Read the criteria for further information on all grant types.

If you are having difficulty or have any further questions, please email [email protected] 

Discretionary Grants

Discretionary Grants, also called 'Discretionary Funding', refers to additional funding clubs can apply for for expenses that fall outside the scope of what they usually cover with their Semester Grants. They are meant to enhance their members experience by holding events, or investing in equipment, that add incredible and memorable value which also fall outside the standard calendar of events. 

Applications for discretionary funding must be unique to previous applications made by the club and adhere to the criteria which is in Club Resources on the USU website.

All applications will need to be completed with a budget for review and detailed answers to a range of questions. All applications are reviewed by, and are approved at the discretion of, the C&S Committee. Societies are not guaranteed to receive Discretionary Grants, even if all the minimum criteria are met.

This grant comes in two tiers, depending on the number of clubs that make an application: Individual (up to $2000), or Group (2 or more registered clubs, up to $6000 to be shared).

Camp Grants

Camp grants are additional funding to support clubs in holding and operating a camp. To be eligible for a camp grant, the camp must be registered with and approved by the Clubs Team. 

To apply for a camp grant, you will first need to complete an event registration form for the event. All camps are high risk and subject to the Camp and Accommodation Guidelines (2022). You will not receive the camp grant if the event is not approved by the USU. Unlike the other grant types, you are expected to provide tax invoice receipts and other supporting financial documentation/evidence during your application.