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Applying for Semester Grants

Affiliated and registered USU clubs are eligible to apply and receive grants from the USU, including a Semester Grant once per semester. Applications can be made through the Club Finances page of the executive dashboard. 

To be eligible to receive a grant, clubs need to be registered and have completed their acquittal for previous years/semesters. If you receive a Semester 1 Grant, then you will be unable to apply for a Semester 2 grant until you have submitted an acquittal for the Semester 1 grant.

Applications for Semester Grants generally close around census date in a given semester. You can check for up-to-date deadlines on the Clubs Notices page on the executive portal, or through communication from the Clubs Team (e.g. the C&S Newsletter).

Semester Grant Category

Number of members

Amount per semester

New Club*




20 to 120



121 – 320



321 – 549


Extra Large



*: The ‘New Club’ category applies to clubs, regardless of size, that have held their IGM within the previous 12 months, from the census date of the relevant semester. This means for the two semesters following your IGM, you will be categorised as a ‘New Club’. This category also applies to inactive clubs that have been re-started as a new club.

Please email [email protected] for further enquiries.