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WASABI: Snacks ā€˜nā€™ Chill

HELLO WASABIANS. Guess what, WASABI's classic Snacks 'n' Chill is back šŸ˜‰

If you are looking for a place in uni to hang out with friends regularly, or just to socialise with other wasabians and make new friends, come to our weekly event held at the ISL. Take some time to relieve yourself from all the uni stress, and come play some board/card games with us! Did I mention, we also provide quality snacks and drinks?

This semester our Snacks 'n' Chill alternates between Thursday and Fridays from 1pm to 4pm, starting from W1 Thursday 27th Feb.

Come drop by and have some fun! See you guys there!!! šŸ™‚

When: Odd weeks on Thursdays; Even week on Fridays

Time: 1pm ā€“ 4pm

Place: ISL (Wentworth building)

Fee: FREE for wasabians; $2 for non-wasabians

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27 Feb - 29 May 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm