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South East Asian Law Annual General Meeting

The South-East Asian Law Society (SEALS) Annual General Meeting will detail the handover of the old executive team (2023/4) to the new executive team (2024/5), as well as confirmation of amendments to the SEALS Constitution. It will also allow for executive, as well as general, members to voice their concerns about changes heading into the new term. It will also be an opportunity for the previous executive team to summarise the highlights from the events and programs facilitated within the 2023/4 term.




    1. President
    2. Treasurer
    3. Secretary
    4. Other Executive Members

Clause #

Current Clause

New Proposed Clause

Reason for Amendment



2.1 “The Society” is not-for-profit; meaning: the assets and income of the society shall be applied solely in furtherance of the aims of the society and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the society except as bona fide compensation expenses incurred on behalf of the society.

2.2 The Society will undertake the following activities to achieve its aims:

– Career and networking information sessions

– Social activities

– Sporting and academic competitions


2.1 “The Society” is not-for-profit; meaning: the assets and income of the society shall be applied solely in furtherance of the aims of the society and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the society except as bona fide compensation expenses incurred on behalf of the society

2.2 The aims of the Society shall be to organise diverse academic, professional and social events and initiatives for Southeast-Asian law students, facilitate networking opportunities and provide a welcoming community, promote cross-cultural understanding in the legal profession.

2.3 The Society will undertake the following activities to achieve its aims:

i. Career and networking information sessions

ii. Social activities

iii. Sporting and academic competitions

A Society needs its aims, so clause 2.2 is being added for the aims of SEALS.


All holders of a current Access Card of The University of Sydney Union other than those who qualify for Ordinary Membership shall be eligible for Associate Membership of the Society. Associate Members are not eligible to hold Executive positions, vote in elections, or vote at meetings of the Society.

All Members of The University of Sydney Union other than those who qualify for Ordinary Membership shall be eligible for Associate Membership of the Society. Associate Members are not eligible to hold Executive positions, vote in elections, or vote at meetings of the Society.

Removal of reference to Access Cards


Associate Membership $2.00

Associate Membership $4.00

Associate Membership should be equal to or greater than the cost of Ordinary Membership (currently $4).

4.1 viii & ix


viii) Director of Sponsorship

ix) Director of Marketing

As the Society’s membership base has expanded to more than 200 members, and for the purpose of better delivering events and initiatives to the community of Southeast Asian law students – an expansion of Executive roles is needed to ensure effective governance of the Society and not to overwhelm any Executives with too many tasks.

viii) Director of Sponsorship: Expand the funding of SEALS

ix) Director of Marketing: Creating content on SEALS social media, newsletter, group chats, introduce publications and podcasts.

5.1 iv

iv) Plan and chair all meetings

iv) Plan and chair meetings and events

iv) Remove “all” to ensure fairness with other Executive members, so they share responsibilities in chairing meetings and events of their own initiatives.

5.2 ii, iii, iv, v

5.2 The Vice President of Careers and Development shall:

ii) Chair meetings with the Vice President of Socials and Events in the absence of the President.

iii) Coordinate career information events and initiatives

· Liaise with external organisations and/or individuals regarding the Society’s career related events and activities

iv) Oversee communication of career related information to members of the Society through means such as the Society’s newsletter and social media.

5.2 The Vice-President of Careers and Development shall:

ii) Plan and chair meetings and events.

iii) Coordinate career information events and initiatives.

iv) Maintain contact with other law and professional Societies as well as legal practitioners to effectively carry out events and initiatives.

v) Oversee the duties of the Director of Careers and Development, Director of Sponsorship and ensure necessary funding is obtained from the Treasurer.

ii) Remove “Chair meetings with the Vice President of Socials and Events in the absence of the President” with the same reasoning like clause 5.1 iv) above, and to ensure effective teamwork and collaboration between different portfolios in the Society.

iii) Remove “Liaise with external organisations and/or individuals regarding the Society’s career related events and activities” as this is the duties and responsibilities of the Sponsorship Director.

iv) For better governance and delivering initiatives.

v) Remove “oversee communication of career related information to members of the Society through means such as the Society’s newsletter and social media” as this is the duties and responsibilities of the Secretary and the Marketing Director.

iv) Added “Oversee the duties of the Director of Careers and Development, Director of Sponsorship and ensure necessary funding is obtained from the Treasurer” to ensure a better functioning of the Society.

5.3 ii, iii, iv, v

5.3 The Vice-President of Socials and Events shall:

ii) Chair meetings with the Vice President of Careers and Development in the absence of the President.

iii) Coordinate social events and activities to enrich overall student experience

· Liaise with external organisations and/or individuals regarding the Society’s social related events and activities

iv) Coordinate peer support groups for the members of the Society

5.3 The Vice-President of Socials and Events shall:

ii) Plan and chair meetings and events.

iii) Coordinate social events and activities to enrich overall student experience.

iv) Maintain links with other societies both law and non-law related.

v) Oversee the duties of the Director of Socials and Events, Director of Marketing and ensure necessary funding is obtained from the Treasurer.

Remove “Chair meetings with the Vice President of Careers and Development in the absence of the President” with the same reasoning like clause 5.2 ii) above

iii) Remove “Liaise with external organisations and/or individuals regarding the Society’s social related events and activities” as this is the duties and responsibilities of the Sponsorship Director.

iv) For better governance and delivering initiatives.

v) Remove “Coordinate peer support groups for the members of the Society” because this is an initiative that could be discussed more with other Executives before coming to an agreement (deems necessary).

5.5 iv)- vii)

The Secretary shall:

i) Conduct the correspondence of the Society in accordance to the C&S Handbook for Secretaries produced by the Club & Societies Office of the University of Sydney Union.

ii) Maintain the Society’s correspondence with the University of Sydney Union.

iii) Maintain a list of current Members, in accordance with University of Sydney Union Guidelines.

5.5 The Secretary shall:

i) Conduct the correspondence of the Society in accordance to the C&S Handbook for Secretaries produced by the Club & Societies Office of the University of Sydney Union.

ii) Maintain the Society’s correspondence with the University of Sydney Union.

iii) Maintain a list of current Members, in accordance with University of Sydney Union Guidelines.

iv) Plan meetings, taking meeting minutes and agenda.

v) Enforce adherence to the Constitution along with the President, and assure the integrity of all its activities.

vi) Be responsible for all meeting documents.

vii) Oversee communication of the Society through means such as the Society’s newsletter or group chats along with the Marketing Director.

5.5 iv) reasoning is the same with clause 5.1 iv) above.

Clauses 5.5 v) – 5.5 vii) is to ensure a detailed “guidance” of Secretary’s responsibilities to ensure a better functioning of the Society.


5.6 The Director of Socials and Events shall:

i) Plan and organise social and sporting events and activities.

ii) Assist in activities pertaining to the Society’s peer support groups

iii) Maintain all communication channels (Society Newsletter and web-based communication) of the Society regarding the Society’s events and activities.

iv) Oversee and monitor the publication and distribution of the Society’s published material, including the Society Newsletter.

v) Plan and organise advertising and public announcements on behalf of the Society.,

vi) Maintain and form correspondence with sponsors and law affiliated.,

vii) Maintain links with other societies both law and non-law related.

viii) Maintain or spearhead ventures to acquire and retain new members.

ix) Assist the Vice President of Socials and Events and the President.

5.6 The Director of Socials and Events shall:

i) Plan and organise social, sporting, and other events and activities

ii) Assist the Marketing Director in social media content, publications, podcast, communication through group chats.

iii) Plan and organise advertising and public announcements on behalf of the Society.

iv) Maintain links with other societies both law and non-law related.

v) Maintain or spearhead ventures to acquire and retain new members.

vi) Assist the Vice President of Socials and Events, and the President.

vii) Plan and chair meetings and events.

5.6 i) Added “and other” to expand the scope of events and activities.

5.6 ii) Added “Assist the Marketing Director in social media content, publications, podcast, communication through group chats” to ensure effective teamwork and collaboration between different portfolios in the Society, and to summarise old clauses iii)-iv). Thus, removed clauses iii)-iv).

5.6 vii) Same reasoning with clause 5.1 iv).


5.7 The Director of Careers and Development shall:

i) Plan and organise career events.

ii) Assist in activities pertaining to the Society’s fundraising programs. iii) Represent an intersectional perspective on Society matters.

iv) Encourage participation from minority members including, but not limited to, students identifying as low socioeconomic, women, queer or disabled.

v) Coordinate with the Director of Socials and Events to increase engagement with minority students through social events.

vi) Coordinate opportunities for minority members to access information about careers and employment.

vii) Coordinate with the Secretary to monitor and increase diversity, with reference to the list of current members.

viii) Assist the Vice President of Careers and Development and the President.

5.7 The Director of Careers and Development shall:

i) Plan and organise career events.

ii) Assist the Sponsorship Director in activities pertaining to the Society’s fundraising programs.

iii) Represent an intersectional perspective on Society matters, and coordinate opportunities for minority members to access information about careers and employment.

iv) Maintain contact with other law and professional Societies as well as legal practitioners to effectively carry out events and initiatives.

v) Maintain or spearhead ventures to acquire and retain new members.

vi) Assist the Vice President of Careers and Development and the President.

vii) Plan and chair meetings and events.

5.6 ii) Added “Assist the Sponsorship Director in fundraising when the Sponsorship Director needed, for example (but not limited to) fund distribution, sponsorship plan, etc.

Combined old clauses 5.7 iii) – vi). Thus, removed clauses iii)-vi).

Removed old clause 5.7 vii) to 5.7 v) as it is not the Careers Director’s responsibility, and ensured similarities between clause 5.6 v) and 5.7 v) of the two Directors.

Clauses 5.7 iv) and vi) set out the duties and responsibilities of the Careers and Development Director.

5.7 vii) Same reasoning with clause 5.1 iv).



5.8 The Director of Sponsorship shall:

i) Liaise with external organisations and/or individuals regarding the Society’s careers and social related events and activities.

ii) Maintain and form correspondence with sponsors and law affiliated agencies.

iii) Responsible for creating detailed Plans to obtain sponsors and external funding.

iv) Work closely with the Treasurer for financial and funding issues.

v) Main point of contact along with the President and the Vice President of Careers & Development for external organisations, individuals, agencies and sponsors whether in-person or online communication.

Ensure effective governance functioning of the Society by setting out the duties and responsibilities of the new role – Director of Sponsorship.



5.9 The Director of Marketing shall:

i) Oversee communication of social and career related information to members of the Society through means such as Society’s social media, including but not limited to, Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook Page, Facebook Private Group, and Society’s Newsletter.

iii) Oversee and monitor the Southeast Asian Law Publication(s), distribution of the Society’s published material along with the Executives, and any marketing materials such as Podcast(s).

iv) Responsible for design and upload posts and stories on Southeast Asian Law Society Instagram and Facebook, as well as taking pictures and videos during socials and careers events.

Ensure effective governance functioning of the Society by setting out the duties and responsibilities of the new role – Director of Marketing.


The Society shall hold an Ordinary Meeting as required during semester (teaching period, Weeks 1-13).

The Society shall hold an Ordinary Meeting as required.

Allows for out of semester meetings to be held (in accordance with 2022 USU Constitution)


The Society shall hold General Meetings as required during semester (teaching period, Weeks 1-13).

The Society shall hold General Meetings as required.

Allows for out of semester meetings to be held (in accordance with 2022 USU Constitution).


Except as provided in Clause 9, the Secretary shall give at least seven (7) clear days notice of the time and place of a General Meeting through one of the recognised publications of The University of Sydney Union and, if possible, the Society notice board and, if possible, by a mail-out to all members. (A mail-out is understood to include communication by e-mail.)

Except as provided in Clause 9, 10, or 12, the Secretary shall give at least seven (7) clear days notice of the time and place of a General Meeting through one of the recognised publications of The University of Sydney Union and, if possible, the Society notice board and, if possible, by a mail-out to all members. (A mail-out is understood to include communication by e-mail.)

Mandatory Amendment – 2022 USU Constitution


Dismissing Executive Members for reasons other than that in Section 4.3 of the Constitution, provided that the Executive Member is given reasonable right of reply.

Dismissing Executive Members for failure to adequately perform their executive duties, provided that the Executive Member is given reasonable right of reply.

Mandatory Amendment– 2022 USU Constitution


The Society shall hold an Annual General Meeting annually in the month of May.

The Society shall hold an Annual General Meeting annually in the month of June.

Moving the AGM month of the Society to June to avoid hurdles and other commitments during the busy period of ending the Semester and STUVAC


The Annual General Meeting shall be held between 9am and 9pm and shall be chaired by the President or an Executive Member not standing for election to any position.

The Annual General Meeting shall be held between 9am and 9pm at a place on campus of The University of Sydney and/or via video conference. The Annual General Meeting shall be chaired by the President or an Executive Member not standing for election to any position.

Allows for video conference and meetings outside of Semester.



Society meetings may not be held during the University closure period surrounding the Christmas and New Year Public Holidays, and notice must be called outside of this period.

Mandatory Amendment – 2022 USU Constitution


The Society shall hold an Annual General Meeting annually in the month of May.

The Society shall hold an Annual General Meeting annually in the month of June.

Moving the AGM month of the Society to June to avoid hurdles and other commitments during the busy period of ending the Semester and STUVAC


Payments of the Society by cheque shall be signed by the Treasurer and:

i) The President and a Vice President; or ii) Both Vice Presidents; or iii) The President and the Secretary; or iv) A Vice President and the Secretary

Payments of the Society by cheque or electronic bank transfer and shall be authorised by the Treasurer and:

i) The President and a Vice President; or ii) Both Vice Presidents; or iii) The President and the Secretary; or iv) A Vice President and the Secretary

Mandatory Amendment – 2022 USU Constitution


11.4 The finances of the Society shall be maintained in accordance with the C&S Handbook for Treasurers produced by the Clubs & Societies Office of The University of the Sydney Union, and submitted for audit by the Club and Societies Auditor immediately following the Financial Year End of the Society in the month of March each year.

11.4 The finances of the Society shall be maintained in accordance with the C&S Handbook for Treasurers produced by the Clubs & Societies Office of The University of the Sydney Union, and submitted for audit by the Club and Societies Auditor immediately following the Financial Year End of the Society in the month of April each year.

Moving the AGM Month to June


11.6 The financial year of the Society shall run from the 1st April to the 31st March following.

11.6 The financial year of the Society shall run from the 1st May to the 30th April following.

Moving the AGM Month to June


The Society shall be deemed inactive after any continuous six month period in which the Society does not hold any events or engage in financial activity. If upon inactivity there remain any monies or properties, the Club & Societies Manager shall become signatories of the Society account and the Clubs & Societies Office shall control such properties and held in trust. After a further six month period, all money will be deposited into a USU-administered trust account, and will be returned to the Club should it reform. After a total of eighteen months inactivity, all Society funds will be transferred to the USU general account.

The Society shall be deemed inactive after any continuous six month period in which the Club or Society has remained unregistered. If upon inactivity there remains any monies or properties, the Clubs & Societies Office shall control such properties and all money will be deposited into a USU-administered trust account, and will be returned to the Club should it reform. After a total of eighteen months inactivity, all Society funds will be transferred to the USU general account.

Mandatory Amendment – 2022 USU Constitution


Appointment of Returning Officer

Nominations Instruction – Nominations will be taken from the floor within the AGM

Nominations will be considered and voted on for the following positions:

● President

● Vice President of Careers and Development

● Vice President of Socials and Events

● Secretary

● Treasurer

● Director of Socials and Events

● Director of Careers and Development

● Director of Sponsorship

● Director of Marketing


i) Nomination of Bank Signatories