Philsoc General Meeting
The following amendments to the constitution are proposed:
3.1.i) All Members of The University of Sydney Union in possession of a current Access Card shall be eligible for Ordinary Membership of the Society. Any Ordinary Member shall hold one vote at all meetings and elections of the Society at which they are present.
3.3 The subscription fees for membership shall be:
i) Ordinary Membership $5.00
4.1 The Society shall have an Executive consisting of:
i) A President,
ii) up to two Vice President(s),
iii) A Secretary,
iv) A Treasurer,
v) up to three First-Year Liaison Officers,
vii) up to two Postgraduate Liaison Officers,
viii) up to two Publications Officers
ix) up to two Publicity Officers
x) up to two Event Managers,
x) up to a further three General Executive Members,
x) a Minorities and Philosophy Liaison Officer,
x) a Women in Philosophy Liaison Officer
4.3 Attendance of Executive Members at Ordinary Meetings, General Meetings and Executive Meetings is obligatory. Any Executive Member who does not attend two consecutive meetings without leave can be dismissed from the Executive by a two-thirds majority vote of those Ordinary Members and Honorary Members who would otherwise be eligible for Ordinary Membership in attendance at an Ordinary Meeting
5.4 The Secretary shall:
i) conduct the correspondence of the Society,
ii) book meeting rooms for the Society,
iii) keep minutes of the proceedings of all Society meetings,
iv) maintain the records and documents of the Society,
v) maintain a list of current Members, in accordance with University of Sydney Union guidelines,
vi) maintain the Society’s registration with The University of Sydney Union.
5.7 The Publications Officer(s) shall:
together with the COGITO editors from UNSW (if any) and Macquarie University (if any) ensure that COGITO (the student journal of Philosophy) is published and distributed,
organize and the production and distribution of other publications, such as an annual journal independent from COGITO, or a fortnightly newsletter.
5.8 The Publicity Officer(s) shall:
ensure that all of the Society’s events, including meetings, are submitted to – if possible, within time for them to be advertised in The Bull.
otherwise ensure online promotion of the Society’s events, including, where possible, via the Sydney Philosophy, and the Society’s, mailing lists,
provide flyers, as required, for distribution at events or where other opportunities may arise,
organise any rosters for, or liaise with the Department of Philosophy to ensure, advertising at lectures for any major events, and to increase awareness of the Society in general.
5.11 The Women in Philosophy Liaison Officer shall:
5.12 Nill
6.2 Ordinary Meetings shall be called by the President, Secretary or Vice-President, or by the Secretary forthwith upon receipt of the written application of at least twenty percent (20%) of the Ordinary Members of the Society.
7.3 Except as provided in Clause 9, the Secretary shall give at least seven (7) clear days’ notice of the time and place of a General Meeting through one of the recognized publications of the University of Sydney Union and, if possible, the Society notice board and, if possible, by a mail-out to all members. (A mail-out is understood to include communication by e-mail.)
7.8 Nil
9.2 Only Ordinary Members and Honorary Members who would otherwise be eligible for Ordinary Membership shall be eligible to be candidates for election or to vote in the election.
9.4.iv) that only Ordinary Members and Honorary Members who would otherwise be eligible for Ordinary Membership shall be eligible to be candidates for election or to vote.
10.1 This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of those Ordinary Members and Honorary Members who would otherwise be eligible for Ordinary Membership in attendance at any General Meeting, provided that:
11.3 All payments of the Society shall be by cheque, signed by at least two members of the Executive, one of whom must be the Treasurer.
Amend to:
3.1.i) All current Members of The University of Sydney shall be eligible for Ordinary Membership of the Society. Any Ordinary Member shall hold one vote at all meetings and elections of the Society at which they are present.
3.3 The subscription fees for membership shall be:
i) Ordinary Membership $10.00
4.1 The Society shall have an Executive consisting of:
- A President,
- up to two Vice President(s),
- A Secretary,
- A Treasurer,
- up to two Event Managers,
- up to two Women in Philosophy Liaison Officer’s
- a Minorities and Philosophy Liaison Officer,
- up to three First-Year Liaison Officers,
- up to two Postgraduate Liaison Officers,
- up to two Publications Officers
- up to two Publicity Officers
- up to a further three Executive Members
4.3 Attendance of Executive Members at Ordinary Meetings and General Meetings is obligatory. Any Executive Member who does not attend three consecutive Ordinary or General Meetings without leave can be dismissed from the Executive by a two-thirds majority vote of those Ordinary Members in attendance at an Ordinary Meeting
5.4 The Secretary shall:
i) conduct the correspondence of the Society,
ii) book meeting rooms for the Society,
iii) keep minutes of the proceedings of all Society meetings,
iv) maintain the records and documents of the Society,
v) maintain a list of current Members, in accordance with University of Sydney Union guidelines,
vi) maintain the Society’s registration with The University of Sydney Union.
vii) manage the Society's social media
5.7 The Publications Officer(s) shall:
i) As the editors of ERGO SUM (the University of Sydney student journal of Philosophy), ensure that ERGO SUM is published and distributed, and
ii) Organise the production and distribution of any other publications in relation to ERGO SUM, as they see fit
5.8 The Publicity Officer(s) shall:
i) organise general advertisement of the society
ii) ensure that notifications for events have been posted to the society’s social media as soon as possible,
iii) communicate with the ERGO SUM editorial team in order to advertise submission dates, release dates and other related materials,
iv) liaise with the Department of Philosophy to ensure, advertising at lectures for any major events, and to increase awareness of the Society in general,
v) liaise with the secretary to organise advertising on social media
5.11 The Women in Philosophy Liaison Officer[s] shall:
5.12 The General Executive Member(s) shall:
i) Help engage the society’s audience in philosophical discussion
ii) Help with the general functioning of the society including any printing and catering needs required for the events
6.2 Ordinary Meetings shall be called by the President, Vice-President(s), or Secretary forthwith upon receipt of the written application of the lesser of twenty percent (20%) or 15 Ordinary Members of the Society.
7.3 Except as provided in Clauses 9, 10 and 12, the Secretary shall give at least seven (7) clear days’ notice of the time and place of a General Meeting through one of the recognized publications of the University of Sydney Union and, if possible, the Society notice board and, if possible, by a mail-out to all members. (A mail-out is understood to include communication by e-mail.)
7.8 Vacant executive positions may be filled at a General Meeting following the ordinary procedures for election as per Section 9 of this constitution
9.2 Only Ordinary Members shall be eligible to be candidates for election or to vote in the election.
9.4.iv) that only Ordinary Members shall be eligible to be candidates for election or to vote.
10.1 This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of those Ordinary Members in attendance at any General Meeting, provided that
11.3 All payments of the Society shall be by cheque or electronic bank transfer, authorised by at least two members of the Executive, one of whom must be the Treasurer.
- Appointment of Returning Officer
- Nominations will be taken from the floor, and voted on for the position of Women in Philosophy Liaison Officer.
- Only Ordinary Members are able to nominate/vote
- Executive information and training reminder
- Re-brand and merchandise discussion
- 50th anniversary/Ergo Sum launch event plan
- Updating the pizza order
- Other business arising at meeting