Learn Auslan with SignSoc
We’re so excited to have sign language classes happening again this semester!
You can pick between Wednesday or Thursday Night by clicking get tickets. Both classes are running 5-7pm.
Classes will be 8 weeks (Starting week 3 (12th of March) of semester, and each week until wk11).
There will be no classes during mid-semester break.
The logistics:
- Classes are taught by a Deaf trainer with an Auslan interpreter present.
- You will learn how to have a basic conversation in Auslan and about the Deaf community.
- Classes are only $100, this is more than half the price of similar Auslan courses!
- If the cost is prohibitive for your involvement in the classes please contact [email protected]
- Classes are limited to 20 students each, book early to ensure you get a spot.
- Each class is 2 hours a week, on your chosen day.If you are unable to attend one night, you may be able to join another night's class for one night only.
- If you are booking with friends make sure you book the same class.
- The last class will end at 6pm and we will have a voice off end of class celebration to practice all you have learnt
- Level 1 classes will run in semester 1 and 2
- You will receive a certificate of completion if you attend 6/8 or more of the classes