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Bushwalkers Annual General Meeting

Agenda for the Annual General Meeting of the Sydney University Bushwalkers

To be held on the 7th of March 2025, at 6pm in the Reading Room

1. Opening and welcome
2. Apologies and leaves of absence
3. Minutes of the previous meeting
4. Business arising from the minutes
5. Correspondence
6. Motions on notice
7. Annual Reports
8. Election of the Executive

The Executive will be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Only members will be eligible to be candidates for election or to vote in the election. The executive of the club consists of:
· a President
· a Vice President
· a Secretary
· a Treasurer
· a Walks Secretary
· a Gear Officer(s)
· up to 3 additional Executive members

9. General business

· Nomination of Bank Signatories

10. Close of Meeting

club logo
7 Mar 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm