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Blooming Florists!

Blooming Florists! is a mini bouquet workshop open to all students at no cost, in which they will be able to create and take home a small bouquet using dried flowers including various native and imported filler flowers for themselves, others, or for any purpose they prefer. A wide selection of dried flowers will be available to be picked from at the venue and will be pruned by club executives to ensure safety. Other necessary tools will be available to participants such as scissors, and catered food will be provided. Attendees will be able to decorate bouquet paper with numerous decorations which include stickers, washi tape, ribbon and markers which will wrap the bouquet together. Engaging in this workshop allows participants to express their creativity and passion, partake in a unique and collaborative event, as well as meet like-minded peers. Executive members will also be participating in the event, providing any assistance to participants to ensure a smooth process.

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8 Aug 10:00 am to 4:00 pm