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2024 PReSS AGM

It is time for the PReSS Annual General Meeting – please come along to be nominated for any executive positions or just to meet the team. All are welcome!

Postgraduate Research Students’ Society (PReSS)

Faculty of Medicine and Health | Northern Sydney (Arabanoo) Precinct

The University of Sydney

Agenda for PReSS Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024

Held on Wednesday 01st May 2024

Kolling Institute L11 Meeting Room

Zoom ID: 8816 4741 007

1. Opening and Welcome

1.1. Chair: Caitlin Fenech, current President.

2. Apologies and leaves of absence

3. Minutes from the previous meeting (IGM 2023)

4. Business arising from the minutes

5. Correspondence

6. Motions on notice

6.1. Reviewing the PReSS Constitution.

7. Annual Reports

7.1. The following reports are to be advised.

i. President’s report.

ii. Treasurer's report.

iii. Secretary’s report.

iv. Other Executive members.

8. Election of the Executive

8.1. Appointment of Returning Officer.

8.2. Nominations for the following executive positions 2024-2025 to be raised and seconded proceeding to a


i. President

ii. Vice President

iii. Treasurer

iv. Secretary

v. General Executive – Marketing Manager

vi. General Executive – Networking and Events

vii. General Executive – Sponsorship Liaison

viii. General Executive – Chief Editor

The term of the Executive shall commence immediately following the close of the current AGM in progress

and conclude at the close of the AGM in the following year.

9. Handover to the new Executive

9.1. Details of the following official PReSS assets to be disseminated to the new Executive by the previous


9.2. Notice of current avenues for PReSS communications and admin structure to be advised by the previous



10.1. Agenda 1 – Reminder for USU registrations

11. Other Business

12. Agenda Items for subsequent meetings

12.1. Date of next meeting.

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1 May 10:30 am to 11:30 am