Veterinary Society

Looking for a Society that has members with a passion for animals, community, and education? Then the Sydney University Veterinary Society (VetSoc) is a perfect fit. Our society has been representing the members of the Faculty of Veterinary Science at USYD since 1912, making us one of the oldest student-run societies on campus! VetSoc aims to provide a medium for interaction between students, staff, and faculty to create a close-knit group of people that socialise, work, and learn together. We host social events such as trivia nights, cruises, and our annual VetBall, as well as academic events such as networking nights and lunch n' learns with our sponsors.
The Sydney University Veterinary Society offers a lifetime membership for current and graduate students of the Faculty of Veterinary Science for $80. This one time payment supports VetSoc and allows you to access a variety of benefits. Veterinary faculty students (AVBS, BVB, Taronga Wildlife, and DVM students) are welcome to join VetSoc at any time, while students and/or visitors outside the Faculty are welcome to VetSoc events, however, are not eligible for membership unless nominated by the Executive Committee and approved by the members of the Society.
Our membership entitles you to join our extensive network of both students and alumni, provides you with access to internship and job opportunities, networking opportunities with our sponsors, discounts on merchandise, tickets, and events, and promotes bonding with your peers!
Join via the store on our website ( or pay via bank transfer with the Google form
Merchandise and tickets for our events can be purchased through our website:
For more information on events for this year, follow us on Facebook ( or on our Instagram (
We’re also always able to be contacted via DM on either platform or by email ([email protected]) We’re excited to hear from you!