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The Student Association of Speech and Hearing is a society dedicated to all things Speech Pathology, and has been running for almost 10 years! From our humble beginnings in the old Cumberland campus, we have been the supporting society for Speech Pathology students! As of 2021, we have over 150 active members who participate in SASH-organised inter-cohort buddy systems, social nights and cross-faculty events! We’re so excited to be based in the brand spanking new Susan Wakil Health Building where we host talks, socialising events, and giving out free food! We also organise placement-required CPR courses and clinic badges for the entire Speech Pathology cohort, and we’re so proud to work closely with the Faculty of Medicine and Health to make sure all the Speech Pathology students have access to student-run course-relevant resources and events. We want to build awareness and change within the Allied Health Community. We passionately advocate for people with communication and swallowing disorders, across educational, community, justice, aged care, disability and hospital settings. This includes acknowledging Speech-Language Pathologists’ key role in contributing to closing the gap between health outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous people in Australia.

By joining SASH, you will receive exclusive discounts to our merchandise and special course related events, and become part of a wonderful speech pathology community.

SASH organises numerous events throughout the year such as cross-society ‘Social Night’ and ‘Meet and Greets’, facilitating interdisciplinary support and communication between students and staff.

SASH has a buddy system which pair younger and older students; and affiliations with other health societies in cross-society events. These opportunities foster friendships.

Upcoming Events


Speechie Career Night 2024

25 Jul to

Upcoming Events


Speechie Career Night 2024

25 Jul to