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University Network for Investing and Trading

Since UNIT’s (University Network for Investing and Trading) establishment in 2007, it has strived to achieve its mission of bridging the disconnect between students and industry, and providing free financial education outside the scope of the classroom curriculum. For 13 years, UNIT has spurred student interest in finance and helped equip students with the necessary skills and network for a successful career in finance. The society is home to over 10,000 members, has branches in 6 different universities across 3 states and is currently the largest investing and trading society in Australia. UNIT welcomes students from all academic backgrounds and stages of their studies and attempts to deliver its mission through facilitating seminars, workshops, competitions with industry sponsors, marketing industry opportunities and publishing free educational materials that deconstruct relevant financial topics into digestible pieces.

Gain access to a variety of networking and informative events and to receive major publications such as our Careers Guide and Investing and Trading Guide.

We run major events with our sponsors such as the Citi Global Markets Challenge, Allegro Private Equity Case Competition and our Industry Insights Evening.

Our members have the chance to catchup with each other and the executive team at all of our events as well as at our Meet-and-Greets.

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Membership tiers:
Standard: Free
Free: Free