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Quadball Club

Are you looking for a friendly, supportive and tight-knit society at University? Maybe the opportunity to compete in a sport nationally? Or perhaps a chance to practise your leadership and team-building skills? Quadball is an up-and-coming mixed gender sport, with USyd running teams in the New South Wales Quadball League (NQL) and our own internal league (USQL). There are many events across the calendar from low key game nights to flash end-of-year events to Quidditch nationals (QUAFL). We have a big focus on community and run many social and team bonding activities. We’ve got you covered whether you’re here for their friends or for the competition. Regardless of who you are or your experience in the sport, we’d be excited to have you on board!

The casual member: hang out with mates at regular events The social player: weekly trainings and internal competitions The competitive player: tournaments, even interstate

– Fortnightly dinners (Foodie Fridays!) – Game nights – Trivia nights – Team pub crawls

Upcoming Events


Thursday Quadball Training at Victoria Park (New Members Welcome!)

27 Mar - 31 Jul 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Upcoming Events


Thursday Quadball Training at Victoria Park (New Members Welcome!)

27 Mar - 31 Jul 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
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Membership tiers:
Standard: Free
$0: Free