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Puzzle Society

Hey hey to all puzzle lovers or those who are curious about puzzles!

Welcome to USYD PuzzleSoc! 🙂

Founded in 2021, we are a new society looking to build a wholesome puzzle-loving community. Our society hosts on- and off-campus puzzle events for our members to chill at, socialise and engage in lateral thinking. Join us to have fun solving puzzles while making friends!

If you’re keen to challenge yourself, up for a new spicy kind of friendship bonding, need smarter friends or are just keen to meet chill people, then our society is perfect for you!
(Nothing tests a friendship like an escape room or a challenging puzzle (。•̀ᴗ-)✧)

Our society is made for puzzle-lovers and is inclusive of beginners to experts! We release puzzles weekly, inclusive of rebuses, cryptics, crosswords and sudokus, and every so often plan special hangouts like escape rooms and scavenger hunts. We also hold bigger puzzle hunts, where teams duke it out against other teams in puzzle challenges, and the winners take home prizes!

We’re most active on our Discord server, where our community works together to solve our weekly puzzles, engage in study sessions or just chat! We also hold weekly Tuesday Games Nights, both online and in-person, where members can chat to each other and play games!

Upcoming Events


Weekly Puzzling Games Night

25 Feb - 27 May 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Puzzle Society Annual General Meeting

17 Apr 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Upcoming Events


Weekly Puzzling Games Night

25 Feb - 27 May 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Puzzle Society Annual General Meeting

17 Apr 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Puzzle Society
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Membership tiers:
Standard: Free
: Free