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Sydney University HADO Club (SUHADO)

Sydney University HADO Club (SUHADO) aims to provide members with gear and training to get into the action! 😼

Newly introduced to Australia πŸŽ‰βœ¨

Open for casual players πŸ”°

Open for those looking to take it to the next level πŸ”₯

HADO is an augmented-reality (AR) techno sport that bridges traditional sports and online esports.

Players put on AR headsets and wrist sensors to engage in a sport where they shoot AR energy balls and use shields, all projected into their real-world surroundings. It’s a fast-moving techno-sport that mixes strategy with physical skill, bringing together the best elements of e-sports and traditional sports for a unique and exciting experience.

SUHADO hopes to bring together tech enthusiasts, athletes and gamers interested in participating and establishing connections with teammates through strategies to master the game.

Come and make some friends… or become the best! πŸ†

Upcoming Events


Weekly HADO!

12 Mar - 16 Apr 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Sydney University HADO Club (SUHADO) Annual General Meeting

12 Apr 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Upcoming Events


Weekly HADO!

12 Mar - 16 Apr 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Sydney University HADO Club (SUHADO) Annual General Meeting

12 Apr 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Sydney University HADO Club (SUHADO)
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Membership tiers:
Standard: Free
: Free