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Sydney Uni Gastrodiplomacy

Gastrodiplomacy considers food as a tool for diplomacy, conflict, and peacebuilding on an international level. Our society investigates the burgeoning field of gastrodiplomacy through multiple lenses to understand how food can change the world. We host monthly dinner and discussion nights as well as several networking, professional development, and miscellaneous fun events throughout the year.

If you ever wondered if food can change the world, this is a great community to share ideas and enjoy some really great food while you’re at it. 🙂

You can find all the information about our events on our linktree

Upcoming Events


Sydney Uni Gastrodiplomacy Annual General Meeting

11 Apr 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Upcoming Events


Sydney Uni Gastrodiplomacy Annual General Meeting

11 Apr 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Sydney Uni Gastrodiplomacy
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Membership tiers:
Standard: Free
: Free