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Sutekh – Board Game and Tabletop Society

Sutekh is the University of Sydney’s place for all things tabletop. Board gaming, wargaming, tabletop role-playing, trading card gaming, and more

We hold at least two events a week during the semester, and are dedicated to sharing our loves of the hobbies we enjoy. Beginners, amateurs and dedicated hobbyists are all welcome.

  • board game events, including our weekly Friday Pizza and Games
  • beginner-friendly and meet & greet evemts
  • miniature painting, modelling & kitbashing
  • Warhammer crusades, and inter-uni wargaming events
  • Magic: The Gathering and TCGs
  • TTRPG sessions and matching players with GMs
  • Collaborations, trivia nights, and other one-off events!

With our huge variety of events, you’ll always have something to do and find a great community to be a part of. We do everything pop/geek/nerd culture. No matter what your niche interest is, you’ll likely find a group that is just as passionate as you.

You can find all of our links at

  • Join our Discord server to stay in touch or look for games to join
  • Peruse our fantasy/sci-fi library, or the archives of our magazine contributed to by our members
  • Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to hear about our upcoming events
  • You could join our Westmarches D&D campaign, or borrow from our TTRPG library
  • Feel free to reach out if you have questions

Upcoming Events


Sutekh’s Friday Pizza and Games

28 Feb - 30 May 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Warhammer Wednesdays

5 Mar - 29 Oct 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Upcoming Events


Sutekh’s Friday Pizza and Games

28 Feb - 30 May 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Warhammer Wednesdays

5 Mar - 29 Oct 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm