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SOFIA University of Sydney Orthodox Christian Fellowship

SOPHIA is the Orthodox Christian fellowship for the University of Sydney. Founded in the 1980s, we have maintained a continuous presence on campus for Orthodox Christians of all ethnicities. We meet weekly for talks by a range of guest speakers on topics of interest and relevance to Orthodox students. More than this, we are a community within the University of Sydney – a place for Orthodox Christians to connect with one another through our many social events including lunches, dinners, sporting competitions and opportunities to serve those in need. To find out more, or become a member, visit our website at or send us an email at [email protected].

Become part of the Orthodox Christian community at USYD – whether you are Orthodox or just interested in finding out more about the Orthodox faith!

Weekly talks by guest speakers on a range of Orthodox topics, opportunities to pray and serve with Orthodox youth and regular social events on campus.

Upcoming Events


The Gates of Metánoia (Repentance)

3 Apr 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Upcoming Events


The Gates of Metánoia (Repentance)

3 Apr 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
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Membership tiers:
Standard: Free
: Free