Sydney University Radiology Society
Sydney University Radiology Society (SURS) aims to foster excellence in clinical radiology teaching, bringing informative and challenging cases to the forefront of medical education.
We plan to offer:
· 1-3 online educational events per year where radiologists present cases from a range of modalities such as plain radiographs, CTs, MRIs, ultrasound images
· 1-2 online careers events per year where radiologists discuss the pathways to becoming a radiologist, their day-to-day work, and other advice for medical students inclined to the field
· 0-1 face-to-face events per year that could be a hands-on tutorial to x-ray reading, ultrasound scanning, interventional radiology, or otherwise
· Fortnightly publication of interesting (deidentified) imaging cases compiled by students or radiologists on SURS social media