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Sydney Uni Physiotherapy Society (SUPS)

Sydney University Physiotherapy Society (SUPS) is the main association representing Physiotherapy students of Sydney University. However, ANYONE can join! The SUPS network has grown to over 2500 Facebook members consisting of current students, alumni, practitioners, educators and employers.

  • We aim to help you throughout your entire journey here at USYD; be it connecting first-years to each other in social events, or helping final-year students get their foot in the door of their preferred field of physiotherapy
  • We assist students’ professional development through upskilling opportunities (e.g. SMA Sports Trainer Course) and networking events
  • We also connect physiotherapy students with each other and with other disciplines through inter-society events, group exam preparation and cohort bonding

Some famous alumni include:

  • Shane Hayes – Head Physiotherapist of the Mens Pakistan Cricket Team
  • Harriet Esterman – Cardiopulmonary Physio at Westmead Hospital involved with treating COVID-19 patients
  • Michael Rizk – Founder and CEO of iMoveU

Member benefits include

  • Member-only discounts for events
  • Access to daily job listings on the SUPS Facebook group

Make sure you cop our iconic SUPS merch (keep a lookout for our 2023 collection coming to you soon!)

Join a tight, welcoming community of USYD students, get connected to leading employers and team about a field in Physio that interests you.

Don’t miss our annual social drinks night, guest speaker events, SMA Sports Trainer Course, and ball!

We have events all throughout the semester, such as social drinks nights, BBQs, study workshops. Keep an eye out for more events to come!

Upcoming Events


Sydney Uni Physiotherapy Society (SUPS) Annual General Meeting

27 Mar 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Upcoming Events


Sydney Uni Physiotherapy Society (SUPS) Annual General Meeting

27 Mar 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm
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Membership tiers:
Standard: Free
$0: Free