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Occupational Therapy Society

Welcome to the newly established Occupational Therapy Society – OTSoc! With the transition to the Susan Wakil building, it is more important than ever to have a supportive and inclusive family of occupational therapy students!

OTSoc aims to provide enduring support to students during their OT journey, whether it be helping first-years navigate the university environment or older years sharing tips and tricks to survive clinical placement. While we strive to cater for professional development through networking sessions, we also anticipate enhancing members’ university experience by hosting social events, disability awareness days and connecting with other disciplines through interfaculty functions.

Our mission is to create an inclusive society that fosters a sense of belonging, encouragement and participation for Occupational Therapist students at the University of Sydney.

• Networking panels on OT practice areas
• Social events e.g. games night, social drinks
• Awareness events/fundraisers e.g. OT week, R U OK? Day

• Games nights across all OT cohorts
• Professional development opportunities


Upcoming Events


Occupational Therapy Society Annual General Meeting

29 Mar to

Upcoming Events


Occupational Therapy Society Annual General Meeting

29 Mar to
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Membership tiers:
Standard: Free
: Free