International Justice Mission Society
There are over 40 million people trapped in slavery today. The Usyd IJM Society is a community of passionate students who are determined to bring an end to modern-day slavery. We partner with International Justice Mission (IJM) Australia to advance their vision: to rescue millions, protect half a billion, and make justice for the poor unstoppable. By joining the Society, you are taking a stance against modern-day slavery and becoming a key part of bringing IJM’s vision for justice to life. You will have opportunities to: – Spend time with fellow students who are passionate about combatting modern-day slavery – Get insider information and tips on how to advocate for justice, through events including conferences and Q&A sessions – Take action against modern-day slavery on campus through fundraising and awareness raising activities Whether the issue of modern-day slavery familiar or new to you, we believe that you can be an advocate for justice on this campus. If this is something you are passionate about or you simply want to explore, join us!
We work closely with IJM Australia. Not only will you be partnering with IJM but you’ll get a chance to meet people from the team!
Attending the IJM Annual National Gathering and Justice Advocate Training Program are just a couple of the things you don’t want to miss out on!
From Virtual Welcome Trivia Night to fun fundraising events, you will have plenty of opportunities to spend time with fellow justice seekers.