The USYD Comm-STEM Society is for those studying combined Comm/STEM degrees at the University of Sydney, or with an interest in the intersection and interaction between business, science and engineering. The society was founded in 2019 when a need to bridge the two degrees was realised. Since then, the society has hosted numerous events such as case competitions, discussion panels, industry tours amongst others that have helped our community use their degrees to their fullest potential. Comm-STEM has strong ties with their fellow societies, whether that be in the Commerce or STEM faculty. The society also collaborates heavily with the faculties themselves, which ensures that the members receive the best support they can find within the university.
We bridge the gap between university and the workplace and show Commerce/STEM students pathways that they may have never considered.
Join for:
- Engaging industry panels and networking events.
- Technical workshops walking you through commerce and STEM concepts and skills.
- Case competitions, skilled “marathons”, and more!
Look out for the amazing collaborations we have with other societies that we host almost every other week.
We host panel, networking and discussion events on a regular with top companies in the tech, finance and consulting industries.