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Christian Students Uniting

Christian Students Uniting (CSU) is an inclusive and progressive Christian club at the University of Sydney. We aim to help you grow in faith, just as you grow in your university education. We are guided by our motto – Keeping Faith, Doing Justice, Building Community – as we exist both personally and politically for the sake of Christ and the Church in the world.

Tired of church? Feel like your questions aren’t heard by your faith community? Join us! We aim to be a safe space to explore the big, challenging questions of life and faith, through conversation and fellowship.

Bringing the inclusive, expansive, and welcoming kingdom of God into the world through intellectual and creative expression, and political action.

Weekly Bible studies for Semester 1, 2025:

Speaking Truth to Power: Learning from Old Testament Prophets

Thursdays at 12pm-1pm in Education Seminar Room 432

Upcoming Events


Weekly Bible Studies

13 Mar - 5 Jun 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Upcoming Events


Weekly Bible Studies

13 Mar - 5 Jun 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Christian Students Uniting
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Membership tiers:
Standard: Free
: Free