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Cantonese Christian Fellowship

「雪梨大學廣東話基督徒團契」係1991年註冊嘅校內基督徒團契,致力喺校園向廣東話背景嘅大學生傳福音為首,建立信徒在校內生活為主作見證,並且鼓勵信徒參加教會聚會,以達到「廣傳福音,謙卑服侍,投入教會,彼此建立」嘅目的。 我們務必持主真道,在校園內作鹽作光!(馬太福音 五: 13-16) The Chinese Christian Fellowship is a registered Christian group within the University of Sydney (established in 1991). With a vision to proclaim God’s wonderful message to Cantonese speaking people on campus, our mission is to spread the Gospel and to build up Christians on campus as witnesses for our Lord Jesus Christ. We will continue to be the salt and light throughout the campus! (Matthew 5:13-16)

Regular Event: Friday Meeting (Every Friday 5 – 7 pm) Special Event: Outing! Gathering! Movie Night!

Our weekly meeting is held on every Friday from 5-7 pm, follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for the latest updates events 🙂

Upcoming Events


Friday Meeting

21 Mar - 30 May 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Upcoming Events


Friday Meeting

21 Mar - 30 May 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
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Membership tiers:
Standard: Free
$0: Free