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Chess Club

The USYD Chess Club was created to inspire students at the university to take up and learn more about a sport that is rich in history and merit. We teach chess to beginners and play against each other to improve our skills, tactics and knowledge. The club has a team of players who have done well in international and regional events.

We are open to players of all levels from beginner to master. If you share a love for the game, come join us!

We host tournaments within the club, play against other unis, and host events including simultaneous exhibitions, pizza parties, and more.

We host weekly meetups with casual games on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1-4 pm in the International Students’ Lounge (ISL) on level 4 of the Wentworth Building. Feel free to contact us for your inquiries at our Instagram page: @usydchessclub.

Upcoming Events


Chess Gathering on Tuesday

25 Feb - 3 Jun to

Chess Gathering on Thursday

27 Feb - 5 Jun to

Upcoming Events


Chess Gathering on Tuesday

25 Feb - 3 Jun to

Chess Gathering on Thursday

27 Feb - 5 Jun to

Chess Gathering on Friday

28 Feb - 6 Jun to
Chess Club
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Membership tiers:
Standard: Free
$2 AUD: $2