USU today is known as the heart of uni life and student activities but what you might not know is that it’s steeped in a rich history of notable visitors and alumni, plus some pretty quirky achievements and connections. From royal visits to record-breaking feats, this blog uncovers four unforgettable moments that helped shape our legacy.
1. Royal Visits 👑

Not one, not two, but four members of the British royal family have visited USU buildings (and those are just the visits we know about).
His Royal Highness the Duke of York (the future King) visited the Men’s Union in 1927 and addressed members on the importance of the Union as a common meeting ground and social centre.
Fast forward to 1959 and who should appear but Princess Alexandra who paid a visit to Manning House and hobnobbed it with the movers-and-shakers of the Women’s Union.
The Duke of Edinburgh Prince Phillip was hot on her heels and paid a visit to the Holme Building between 1967 and 68 during a Commonwealth Study Conference.
Princess Anne was the final British royal to witness the Heart of Uni Life, visiting Manning House in 1970 and lunching with members of the Women’s Union.
Some of them were even awarded Honorary Life Membership, entitling them to a vote in elections up until their death.
Those votes might have changed the course of USU history!
2. Focaccia World Record 😚🤌

Did you know that the USU briefly held the Guinness world record for the largest focaccia ever made?
In 1996, as part of Union Week celebrations, the USU cooked a massive, multi-table focaccia loaf. After being assessed by an official Guinness representative, the focaccia was dubbed the largest ever made.
While it’s not known when we lost this title, we do know that a pair of Italian bakers were most recently awarded it in 2005.
Perhaps it’s time to reclaim the honour?
3. Edmund Barton 🫡

Did you know that Australia’s first Prime Minister was also the Sydney University Union’s second President?
A member of the SUU’s founding committee in 1874, Sir Edmund Barton was President between 1884 and 1885 – then just a member of the NSW Legislative Assembly.
He’d go on to vigorously campaign for Federation before eventually serving as Australia’s first ever PM.
Take notes recent USU board directors!
4. David Jones Partnership 🤝

USU used to have its very own David Jones!
First opened in 1924 in the Holme Building as part of a financial agreement between the SUU (former men’s union) and the fabled Australian department store, David Jones would later expand to other Union premises.
Sadly, in the 1980s, David Jones chose to break their agreement with the USU and took their stores with them.
Maybe we can ask Myer if they wanna give it a go…
📸 All Images: Courtesy of the University of Sydney Archives