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What kind of meeting do I need to hold?

Ordinary Meetings are to be held for the membership to advise the executive on the running of the club. Specifically, you would hold an Ordinary Meeting for:

  • Changing bank signatories
  • Gaining membership endorsement on proposed expenditure, merchandise, or events
  • Creating a Committee or Subcommittee and appointing the members of that body
  • Dismissing executives under section 4.3 of the Constitution

General meetings can be held for the above, as well as for:

  • Rescinding a decision made at an Ordinary Meeting
  • Granting Honorary Membership, should your Society bestow it
  • Amending the Constitution
  • Dismissing Executive Members for failing to adequately perform their duties
  • Elections to fill vacancies in the Executive
  • Dissolving the society

Annual General Meetings should be held in the AGM month, and can contain all of the above items. They are also held for the purpose of:

  • Annual Registration
  • Annual Re-elections (all positions need to be re-elected for)
  • Annual address of President and Treasurer

If you're not sure what meeting needs to be held, you can get in touch by emailing [email protected]