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Pre-Event forms

All events must be registered with the USU via Pre-Event form on the USU website. 

Where to Submit -  

Once you're logged into the website, you'll need to find the Executive Portal.

Select your initials on the top right hand of the screen - My USU > Clubs > Manage

(If your club isn't appearing, you need to first join as a member. If you don't see a Manage button, you aren't formally registered as an executive).

Select Manage events > New Event

When to Submit -

All high-risk events (anything with alcohol, is an overnight event, or involves extreme physical activity) must be submitted within 14 days notice. All other events are to be submitted 7 days prior.

Do I need a risk assessment?

You are required to complete a risk assessment if your club is holding one of the following:

• Hosting a large event (50 + attendees)

• Holding a camp

• Serving Alcohol 

What to Submit -

You should include the event name, location, start and end time, and a brief description as a minimum. 

You can also indicate the audience you wish to advertise to; the general public, only your members, or only those with the URL.

The Clubs Team may reach out to request further information once your pre-event form has been received.