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Ordinary Meetings (OM)

When do I have one?

You can hold an ordinary meeting at any time in semester (subject to your Constitution).

What can I do in one?

An Ordinary Meeting is to be held for the following purposes:

i)    Giving direction to the Executive

ii)    Determining the use of the finances and other assets of the Society

iii)    Instituting Committees for any purpose of the Society and co-opting Society members onto any Committee

iv)    Dismissing Executive Members under 4.3 of the Constitution

This means that you might endorse expenditure or budgets, event plans, or endorse Change of Signatories.

Quorum, Notice, and other Questions

Quorum for OMs is 5 members if your membership is below 70, or 10 members if your membership is above 70. You must have at least 3 executives in attendance.

Notice for OMs are at least 3 days, submitted to your members and the USU. 

You should submit your minutes and attendance list within 2 weeks of holding an OM.

For more information on holding OMs, consult the Clubs Handbook.