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How to spend Club Funds

  • Read the Clubs and Societies Handbook(the terms of which you agreed to abide by when you signed the C&S agreement. A salient section is on page 32 - 'Rules for Grant Use'. Importantly, the rules often missed are:
    • Budgeted expenses related to the purchase of alcohol will only be eligible for funding in instances where an event is held on campus, in a USU licensed premises. 
    • All event advertising material must comply with USU Clubs brand guidelines. (You must have the USU Clubs logo on anything that is printed or produced, such as merchandise. The USU Clubs logo can be found in the Resource Library on the executive dashboard). 
    • Funding may not be used for cash prizes or prizes that become the personal property of members. 
    • Please familiarise yourself with all other rules and conditions for grant use found in the Clubs Handbook. 
  • Retain all tax invoice receipts for every expense. We need a tax invoice that includes the seller's ABN/tax registration ID. If the seller does not have this, ask them to complete a statement by supplier form.   
  • Register every club event with the USU (via the executive dashboard > Club Events). Be sure to submit pre-event forms 14+ days in advance to ensure event approval by our office. 
  • Complete your acquittal by the specified deadline, which will be provided to you via email and across C&S newsletters and notices. 
  • If anything is unclear, or if you are unsure if an expense can be claimed under USU funding, reach out to the Clubs Office at [email protected]