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How to increase Society Funds

  • Consider increasing your membership fee. To do this, you need to make constitutional amendments in a GM or AGM. You will need to adhere to the 14-day notice period where you intend to make constitutional amendments, by completing a pre-event for your meeting and submitting an agenda and constitutional amendments coversheet.
  • You might like to host a society fundraiser in a registered USU event. This could be a BBQ, a trivia night, a movie night, a walk, a games night... let your creativity run wild! Make sure you register your event with the USU via a pre-event form. 
  • Some clubs make profit from club merchandise that they sell to their members. This requires an initial loss on the cost of the merchandise order, which you may seek funding (such as discretionary) for. Club merchandise must display the USU Clubs logo (found in the Brand Guidelines in the Resource Library), and the design needs to be submitted for approval to [email protected]
  • Apply for semester, discretionary and camp funding via the Club Finances page on the executive dashboard.