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How can I make changes to a constitution?

Constitutions can be changed at AGMs or GMs with 14 days notice, given a 2/3 majority vote of attending Ordinary Members.

For the Constitution to be officially adopted, it must be approved by the Clubs Team, and if appropriate by the USU Board.

To make changes to your constitution, submit your GM or AGM notice. Your notice should include your Agenda, outlining the amendments intended to be voted on, and a Constitutional Amendment Coversheet, which details each proposed change and the reasons for them.

For a streamlined process, the Clubs Team will do their best to have your proposed amendments approved before your membership votes on the changes. In some cases, if the amendments must be approved by the USU Board, a decision will come after your meeting.

At your meeting, amendments will be passed so long as they gain a 2/3 majority vote of attending members.

Within 2 weeks of your meeting, you should send the Clubs Team your meeting minutes and a copy of your newly adopted Constitution. It must be signed and dated by your current President and Secretary.

You will get official written approval from the Clubs Team when it is accepted.