General Meetings (GM)
When do I have one?
You can hold a GM from 9am-9pm within Semester, as your Constitution determines.
Your Constitution will also state how many GMs you must hold per semester.
What can I do in one?
A GM holds all the powers of an Ordinary Meeting (OM), in addition to;
- Granting Honorary Membership (if relevant to your Club)
- Repealing motions and the effect of motions carried at an Ordinary Meeting
- Dismissing Executive Members for failure to adequately perform their executive duties, provided that the Executive Member is given reasonable right of reply
So long as a two-thirds majority vote is reached.
When GMs are held with 14 days notice, the following powers are granted:
- Amending the Constitution
- Filling vacant executive positions, following section 9 of the Model Constitution
- Dissolving the Society.
Quorum, Notice, and other Questions
Quorum of a GM is the lesser of 15 members or one third of the society's membership. It must be met within 30 minutes of the meeting's scheduled start time.
You must give formal notice of a General Meeting by posting your Agenda on the USU Website. For a regular GM, you
will need to give 7 days’ notice, but if you are voting on constitutional amendments or voting in a new executive you
must give 14 days’ notice.
Within 2 weeks of holding the GM, you should provide the following documents to the USU:
- Minutes
- Agenda
- Attendance List
- Executive List (if amended)
For more information on holding a GM, refer to the Clubs Handbook.