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Labor Club

The Labor Club is the oldest political club in Australia (founded in 1925) and has been a bastion of progressive politics within all sections of the ALP since its inception. Notable alums include Doc Evatt, Gough Whitlam, and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

We are the official representatives of the Labor Left Movement on campus and are always fighting for a more progressive and fair society both within and outside the University of Sydney. We are dedicated to the fight for a humane refugee policy for Australia, women’s rights, eliminating economic inequality, LGBTQI+ rights, and solidarity with First Nations peoples. If you have a vision for a better world, this is the club for you!

  • Regular social and networking events
  • Organiser training
  • Local social/political volunteering
  • Policy-reform campaigns
  • Education workshops and seminars

We hold regular events—follow our socials to keep up to date!

Upcoming Events


Afternoon Tea Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Freedom Ride: lessons from our activist and feminist history

3 Apr 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Upcoming Events


Afternoon Tea Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Freedom Ride: lessons from our activist and feminist history

3 Apr 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Labor Club
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Membership tiers:
Ordinary: Free
Associate: $5